Classes Offered

Information Technology 2
An engaging continuation of Information Technology 1 using a code-based approach.

Why Learn With Us?
Fun, Live Weekly Lessons
We take learning seriously but we also think it should be fun :-)
Learn With Experts
Our instructors have years of real-world technology experience.
Support and Guidance when they need it
We're available and accessible to offer the help students need!
Learning Applications
Student Projects
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What Our Students Say

This class was my favorite class I ever took. I can't imagine life without it. ? Even though I joined in the middle of a semester, and was reluctant to be on a live meeting and talk to real people, I still had so much fun.
I loved the battlebots, and I haven't finished mine, because I am having problems. ? I also love pixel art but struggle with beepbox.
Thank you for teaching me so much about Technology!
See you in August!!!!!!

This year at MyTekLab I had so much fun! I learned tons about coding, and I really enjoyed how the level 2 course included a brief look at many different fields of study.
I really liked working with the web development side of things, and it was so satisfying to see a webpage come alive before my eyes!
I enjoyed my first look at a linux server, and would love to continue working with MyTekScholar in the future.
I had a blast working with blocksVR and it was really cool to build my own worlds.
The robotics module was super fun (Mr. Stephen if you read this we (MyTekLabs) NEEDS to do a summer bumper bot tournament!)
My favorite module this year was the game programming module. I had so much fun coding my game, Island Adventure in nunu studios!
I can't wait to come back for the summer camps this year!

Something I would like to learn about more in the future would definitely be webdev. I just think there are endless possibilities to it and always something new I could learn about it.
The class in general has been amazing and very eye opening. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I could not have asked for a better place to learn more about technology.
Thanks for being an amazing teacher! I can't wait till the next class!
As always, Thanks for a great lesson (:

- This year, Flowlab, that drawing app, and OpenSCAD were my favorites (in no particular order)
- I love that now I don't find vim terrifying because it's a lot simpler than it seems when you actually understand it. I find myself in mytekOS trying to go :wq now, though XDXD
- I struggled a lot with robotics. I'm not sure why, I just don't completely understand it and it was a big struggle but I worked through it.
- I also love that you (Mr. MyTEK) are super encouraging when things get tough. In general, this class also helped me be social, after being very shy for like 5 years. :')
- Have an awesome summer, I can't wait to see you in July!!

My least favorite module was probably the networking module. It was interesting and I did learn some new things, but I found it to be a bit on the boring side.
Thanks so much for teaching me over the last 2 years. MyTek really helped me decide what I want to do in the future. Next year I'll be attending Purdue University with a major in Computer Science!

This class was an amazing experience that provided me with engaging learning-opportunities, fun classmates, and new computer skills. The year went by quickly, and I remember the day we started. At 2-3 weeks into the first semester, the class developed a strong bond. Jokes were made and laughs were shared (even though we could not hear each other). Mr. Mytek did a fabulous job teaching the rambunctious 36 hour class. I appreciate all the hard work he did keeping us on task but making sure we had fun. I have never been in a class quite like this one, and I am grateful for the opportunity.
I thoroughly enjoyed pixel art and all the design work we did. The concept of making something and saying, "Hey, I designed and made that!" is an amazing feeling. The robotics was also enjoyable and garnered that same feeling. My least favorite application was P5. While I made a pong game, it was the most irritating part of the entire year. None the less, with a lot of help, I made it through.
So, Mr. Mytek, thank you so much for the wonderful class you taught. I really enjoyed it.

What Parents & Teachers Say

The staff is very friendly and makes the kids feel like rock stars.

It is a great place for kids to learn more about technology but also have fun!

My daughter has taken the Programming class and loves it! Jacky and everyone there are beyond friendly. What a blessing to have found MYTEK Lab!

Please check this place out for your kids, great environment, wonderful instructors that take their time teaching your kids about the future in technology.

If you're looking to add technology education to your homeschool lineup, I can't recommend them enough.

At first, my kid was complaining about taking the classes. But almost instantly, he was doing them on his own. I was so flabbergasted when the words "I want to do MYTEK," left his lips. But I was so happy that we finally hit on an online program that I haven't had to force him to complete.

My son loves MYTEK LAB and asked to do more next year!

Mr. Souders is a gifted teacher who has a real talent for making things easy to understand. But just as importantly, he has a special gift for interacting with the students as real people.

This class has been a huge blessing & motivator for him this year — It truly was amazing to watch him flourish in his element!"

Love this place. Great teachers, easy to work with, kids have a blast while learning important computer skills.

My daughter absolutely LOVES the classes. She has learned so much! Stephen and Jacky are amazing!! They treat the students as their own children! I am so fortunate to have found My TEK! I would recommend them to anyone!!

They specifically designed their classes for teens and they offer them independently of any school. They are a smaller company focused only on a limited number of students. That means more personalized attention to the needs of teen students.

I noticed the teacher has a style of pushing the kids to think, play around, and troubleshoot the software they are working in. This course encourages kids to use their own brains while exploring the world of technology with a helpful coach by their side to get through the rough spots.

Children receive amazing support from both instructors and peers. Instructors comment on weekly assignments and, along with peers, comment on shared projects.

MYTEK LAB is the perfect way to get your child started on this highly desirable and lucrative path in a way that is not only fun and engaging, but extremely thorough and comprehensive."
What Bloggers Say

Table Life Blog
Need to add technology education to your homeschool plans, but don’t know where to start? I have a great solution for you!

Blooming Brilliant
The truth about using MYTEK LAB in your homeschool is your children will become addicted. This is my daughter’s second year taking a MYTEK LAB class, last school year, she tried out Level one and loved every single moment of it, so this school year, it was a give in that she would continue with level two and if you are curious I already paid for her to be enrolled in level three next school year. Let’s get into why this class is the bomb dot com. Before we begin, please take a moment to pin this post to your homeschool board.

Hide the Chocolate
When the youngest told me she wanted to learn about coding, I was a little surprised. I knew she liked gaming, but this was another level. So, I asked her what she wanted to learn. For her, it wasn’t a specific skill she wanted to learn. She just wanted to know more about the technology that made up her favorite pastime.

Meaningful Homeschooling
When the youngest told me she wanted to learn about coding, I was a little surprised. I knew she liked gaming, but this was another level. So, I asked her what she wanted to learn. For her, it wasn’t a specific skill she wanted to learn. She just wanted to know more about the technology that made up her favorite pastime.

Intentional in Life
Are you looking for online technology classes for your child? Is your child interested in learning coding, robotics, web design, 3-D modeling for games, etc? And you’re wondering, “How in the world am I going to cover these topics when you aren’t tech-savvy?” Well, I’m here to tell you that I have found a fantastic choice for online technology classes for homeschoolers.

Monkey & Mom
We all know that in today's world, programming skills are an important asset, no matter the field you choose to work in.

Homeschooling 4 Him
My son is fascinated by technology. He loves learning about how things work, and computers are no exception. And he is so excited to learn to code as well. I have been looking for the perfect homeschool technology curriculum for him, and that’s why I was so excited to discover MYTEK LAB. MYTEK LAB offers live online technology classes for kids in grades 3-12. Keep reading to learn how to use MYTEK LAB as your homeschool technology curriculum.

That Homeschool Family
Are your kids interested in taking coding classes, but you have no idea how to code or where to even find quality coding classes? Well, welcome to my world! Been there, done that, but now I can help you out!

Rolling Prairie Readers
When I first learned about their online technology classes, I asked my youngest if she would be interested in taking programming classes. With her older sister taking an online creative writing class every week, she jumped at the chance to try something new (and just for her)!

It is no secret that technology plays a significant role in our world (and getting more significant everyday). Adding technology education to our homeschool seems obvious and yet most of us have no idea where to start.

Some Call It Destiny
We live in a world run by code. Our kids nowadays are surrounded by technology from the moment they’re born. Living in one of the tech capitals, the pressure for kids to begin coding before they can talk is real. Impractical, certainly, but there nonetheless.

Nourishing My Scholar
With these online technology classes, your kids can learn computer pixel art, coding, programming, robotics, modeling, design, and computer fundamentals in live classes!

Homeschool of 1
Learning to code is not required to graduate high school, however, I will make sure that before I graduate Freddie from high school he has at least one high school credit in computer science. It is such an important subject to learn.

Jumping Into Genius
Understanding the basics of technology is fast becoming an essential skill for many types of jobs. Not to mention fast job growth within areas such as computer programming and information systems. How do you know what technology skills your child might need? And how do you introduce them to the world of technology, especially if you don’t have those skills yourself?

As We Walk Along the Road
Technology education: Are you comfortable teaching your kids when it comes to technology? Many homeschool parents aren’t. But kids in today’s world need to be proficient in technology skills. They need to know how to function in an increasingly complex technological world.

Captivating Compass
When my son asked if he could take a coding class this year as an elective I honestly did not know where to look. He had enjoyed a few coding activities but I didn't know if his level of experience was enough to be able to find a class that he would enjoy and be challenged by without it being too easy or too difficult.

Mommy Maestra
Without a doubt, computer science is one of the classes I was dreading trying to teach my tech-savvy kid. At 14, he already can easily understand technology in a way that has taken me years (decades?) to become familiar with. So MYTEK LAB has been a fantastic addition to our homeschool curriculum.

Forgetful Momma
Are you comfortable teaching your kids when it comes to technology? Many homeschool parents aren’t. While I can code, I don’t feel confident to teach my kids. Helping them I can handle. But kids in today’s world need to be proficient in technology skills. This is where MYTEK LAB comes in.

Homeschooling in Progress
Do you feel sometimes that technology is moving at such a rapid pace that it’s hard to keep up? It’s becoming a necessity for our kids to have computer education. But how do you teach them technology skills when you yourself may still be learning? You find someone to help you teach, of course!

Adventures in Mommydom
Coding Classes. I live in the Tech Capital of Texas and you see signs everywhere of places offering after school coding classes, or classes for your homeschool, or coding classes to hook your kids on coding. I’ve looked into a few of them, and most of them left me saying, “Meh. That’s okay.” I’ve even bought a few of them, and was left saying, “Meh, that was a waste of money.” I’ve now found the coding classes I would recommend, MYTEK LAB.

Blessed Learners
Living in the era of modern technology will be a shame when you don’t have any education to support this area. Learning computer technology from basic will prepare more advanced coding skills better. MYTEK LAB has fun technology education for homeschool to check out.

Meaningful Homeschooling
MYTEK LAB offers live online programming classes for grades 3-12. Each course teaches basic programming skills and other technology concepts in a simple, straightforward way that kids can understand.

Life with Moore Babies
Have you ever said anything to the affect of, "the world is so different from when I grew up."? If so then you have hit upon a truth that we cannot change for ourselves or our kids. The world is different. The skills needed are different.

Starts at Eight
If you were to ask me if I was technology savvy I would probably say I consider myself to fall somewhere in the middle. I tend to be good with social media and apps, but not so much with gaming and coding. But in today’s world being tech savvy is important. Luckily for us parents that aren’t 100% up to speed, there are online technology classes that I can help our kids be more tech savvy than we are!

Sharing Life's Moments
Over the years I have become some what of a tech junkie. I’ve learned as much as I can about using various programs and software. I’ve also dabbled into coding with my kids. We’ve tried to use various free online coding classes, but they have only taught us so much information. My youngest son has grown fond of learning coding, and has taken some coding courses through the online school we use. However, when I was given the chance to have him review a MYTEK Lab online coding class, he agreed to take the it.

Mama Jenn
My son had been asking to take a coding class for years! Yes, you read that right…years! I know, I know, definitely not one of my proudest moments. And, once the pandemic hit, he was convinced that taking a coding class was no longer and option – so he stopped asking. But, can I tell you how his face lit up when I told him that I had FINALLY enrolled him in a coding class? And, the best part is that it is pandemic proof!

Simply be Wild and Free
When I first introduced my son to MYTEK LAB, he jumped at the chance to try it out! Technology education has always been an interest of his and I was excited to finally find something to meet that need. Upon signing up, he quickly started exploring the MYTEK LAB website and I immediately knew it was for him! We started mid-semester, but my son was determined to catch up and learn all the things he could.

Blooming Brilliant
How comfortable are you with teaching your children technology? We all know that technology is ever-expanding. More and more careers need a tech background. Our kids need these skills, and we as homeschoolers need a way to provide them. My children have recently started MYTEK LAB classes and are thoroughly enjoying them. Learning skills, I can never teach them, coding with block coding, javascript, CSS, PHP, VR, pixel art, and so much more. Before we continue, please take a moment to pin this post to your homeschool board.