Portfolio - My Programming Work

This is my programming related work for MyTekLab level one. This is the topic that was covered most so the majority of my work is here. Note that most of these pages lack a back button and will require you to click your browser's back button to get back here. Others may also take a minute to load


  • Profile welcome system Here
  • (2)

  • guessing game Here
  • (3)

  • computer vs computer guessing game Here
  • (4)

  • animated shapes in vr Here
  • (5)

  • animated Mario Kart character (only a small amount of code was required here, most of this was design.) Here
  • (6)

  • favorite place website (not the best thing i've ever made) Here
  • (7)

  • Calculator Here
  • (8)

  • Drawing App Here
  • (9)

  • Flowlab game Here
  • (10)

  • Bouncy ball game Here
  • There were a couple more i could have added here but it seemed more fitting to put them in the robotics page. Head over there to see them.